
Assalamualaikum wr wb ..

I created this new blog, actually is not no mo intention to make the blog. So who ya are so mbuat culprit that I make a blog mo, ya man always called her name Zulkarnain aka Nain Jaka Baring. His alias is for ya people sleep in the morning until noon then disconnected again, wake up again next night he ... he .. (like bats).

The story, if not one before or the early days of fasting she (Nain), go back two Singaparna, Tasikmalaya, gone not use any further ado I do not know if it turns out he went in there. Why do I say a second village? If his hometown is actually in Kilkenny, Kilkenny father as her mother was in fact both are the same sister, brother still in Palembang. Because the annual've student in Cipasung, so smitten he same Tasikmalaya (do not know what Tasikmalaya same as the girls there, he ... he ..).

As I recall he once told mo open mushroom planting effort but more promising there (Tasikmalaya) to weigh in Palembang (Nain lo these words, not mine), he said the market difficult.
So I thought maybe she went there tuh mo start the project, because he had not asked for money sending few in number. I can only pray just hope he's successful.

Eventually he returned again to Kilkenny, the return did not use too small talk (probably go - go through the underground ya man he ... he ....) tau-tau've come home (like a ghost .. weehh. dong).
I'm Seeing Online continues to say he wrote, "Anything else ya how to get mo money". "What's more, the forex? who yesterday wrote did not go up and ride instead ancur added," I said.
Nyegir dah him, "No, find the money pake blog", he said. "How to make it how?" I asked. He said, "No need to bother buying a ready-made wrote blogs, find that demand a lot."
"Really how much to buy a blog?" I asked. I do not want detailed nyebutin price when he bought the blog, which clearly there are millions of his. Keep me just laught.

Day after day passed, morning noon switch, switch noon afternoon accompanied by a little hunger and thirst month of fasting (weehh. .. like poetry), every time she came till Eid speaking mere blog blog blog again and again he ... he .. . I think a true blogger emang mo so ya man he ... he ..
Because blogs are often heard, by chance I'm online a fad I go to Google then I write the boxed search: How to Create a Blog. Found easy way to make a blog on, I follow the way he eventually became this blog.

Because the only fun I'm confused what ya mo filled blog, so ... what's on the computer I wrote that on now. Yes ... the stories trus Islamic multimedia program that could be considered old school.
If there are mo Allhamdulillah ngunjungin this blog, if not mo ya okay. What is clear for Sodara and sodari, fathers, mothers and sisters-just not all that intentionally or accidentally dropped on this blog, please be understandable if not interesting and thank you as much as possible.

Wassalamualaikum wr ... wb


Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

How to Increase Your Restaurant's Online Visibility

Many restaurant owners have found that their customers' constant connectivity to the internet and new web applications has been both a blessing and a curse for business. On one hand, customers can conduct online searches to find out about restaurants they never would have visited or heard of. Restaurant owners may be happy to find that customers are sharing good reviews of the restaurant with the rest of the online community - thus providing a free source of good marketing for te restaurant. On the other hand, a restaurant could face serious problems if customers encounter bad reviews online or even worse - can't find information about that restaurant online. Here are several tips for how to ensure that your restaurant business is not only highly visible online, but is also being shown in its best light:
1. Conduct a Google search on your own business
There is no better way to find out about how your business appears online than by "Googling yourself." Type in the name of your restaurant and browse through the first few pages of Google's search results to see what your potential customers are seeing. Because Google is beginning to personalize its search results, sure to conduct the search from multiple computers or ask friends or family to do the search as well. You may be shocked to find that the first few results include websites that display ratings and reviews by people you don't even know. These sites will prove to be an extremely valuable asset to your business so learn to monitor them consistently.
2. Implement Search Engine Optimization tactics
Upon searching for your site, you may find that your own restaurant's website is not the first item listed on the results, and that sites like Yelp! or MenuPages are trumping your site's rankings. In order to increase the credibility of your site, you will need to make sure that certain Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tactics are being implemented so your site comes up first. There is a ton of free information available online to help you learn how to use SEO on your website. The last thing you want is for a less-than-perfect review of your restaurant to show up before your restaurant's actual website.
3. Be sure to stay active on Facebook and Twitter
These days, Google and other search engines love Facebook and Twitter. If you create pages on Facebook and Twitter for your restaurant and keep them updated, it is almost a guarantee that more customers will find you via these sites. And best of all - you can control the content, which will help you to show off the good points about your restaurant. Not enough can be said about social media marketing and its capacity to increase your customer base.
4. What to do if the reviews don't look too great
Did you encounter that either customers, bloggers, or other reviewers posted something to the web that might be detrimental to your business? There are two ways to confront this problem: either encourage your loyal customers to go home and "drown out" the review with other, more positive reviews, or simply consider the bad reviews as constructive criticism. Sometimes reading the bad reviews are the very thing that restaurant business owners need to gain some perspective about how their business is doing. If the reviews that you find are truly harmful to the point of being libelous, consider contacting the review sites. These sites always have procedures in place to take down harmful or abusive reviews.
I am a blogger and contributor for Entrust Cash Advance.
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