
Assalamualaikum wr wb ..

I created this new blog, actually is not no mo intention to make the blog. So who ya are so mbuat culprit that I make a blog mo, ya man always called her name Zulkarnain aka Nain Jaka Baring. His alias is for ya people sleep in the morning until noon then disconnected again, wake up again next night he ... he .. (like bats).

The story, if not one before or the early days of fasting she (Nain), go back two Singaparna, Tasikmalaya, gone not use any further ado I do not know if it turns out he went in there. Why do I say a second village? If his hometown is actually in Kilkenny, Kilkenny father as her mother was in fact both are the same sister, brother still in Palembang. Because the annual've student in Cipasung, so smitten he same Tasikmalaya (do not know what Tasikmalaya same as the girls there, he ... he ..).

As I recall he once told mo open mushroom planting effort but more promising there (Tasikmalaya) to weigh in Palembang (Nain lo these words, not mine), he said the market difficult.
So I thought maybe she went there tuh mo start the project, because he had not asked for money sending few in number. I can only pray just hope he's successful.

Eventually he returned again to Kilkenny, the return did not use too small talk (probably go - go through the underground ya man he ... he ....) tau-tau've come home (like a ghost .. weehh. dong).
I'm Seeing Online continues to say he wrote, "Anything else ya how to get mo money". "What's more, the forex? who yesterday wrote did not go up and ride instead ancur added," I said.
Nyegir dah him, "No, find the money pake blog", he said. "How to make it how?" I asked. He said, "No need to bother buying a ready-made wrote blogs, find that demand a lot."
"Really how much to buy a blog?" I asked. I do not want detailed nyebutin price when he bought the blog, which clearly there are millions of his. Keep me just laught.

Day after day passed, morning noon switch, switch noon afternoon accompanied by a little hunger and thirst month of fasting (weehh. .. like poetry), every time she came till Eid speaking mere blog blog blog again and again he ... he .. . I think a true blogger emang mo so ya man he ... he ..
Because blogs are often heard, by chance I'm online a fad I go to Google then I write the boxed search: How to Create a Blog. Found easy way to make a blog on, I follow the way he eventually became this blog.

Because the only fun I'm confused what ya mo filled blog, so ... what's on the computer I wrote that on now. Yes ... the stories trus Islamic multimedia program that could be considered old school.
If there are mo Allhamdulillah ngunjungin this blog, if not mo ya okay. What is clear for Sodara and sodari, fathers, mothers and sisters-just not all that intentionally or accidentally dropped on this blog, please be understandable if not interesting and thank you as much as possible.

Wassalamualaikum wr ... wb


Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

How About Cost Per Action Marketing As An Online Home Based Business?

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular methods for making money online today for beginners as well as for more experienced Internet marketers. And one of the fastest ways to make a living on the web as a home based business owner is by getting involved with a branch of affiliate marketing called cost per action or CPA marketing.
CPA marketing involves driving targeted leads to a company's or an advertiser's product offer on their website and having them perform some action such as submitting their email address or filling out a form. When the prospect performs the required action you get paid. As an affiliate you also earn more commission if the person purchases the product after fulfilling the initial requirement.
There are essentially three participants in the CPA approach beginning with you as the affiliate, followed by the company or the advertiser and ending with the middle man in this scenario the CPA network. We're all familiar with the roles played by the affiliates and the advertisers in this situation but what function does the network perform?
Cost per action networks act as the go between for the affiliates and the companies. These networks display a list of offers available from a variety of advertisers along with the payment you as the affiliate will receive when your lead performs the required action. These networks are paid by the companies involved for each lead the network acquires for them via their affiliates.
Therefore your primary goal starting out is to get accepted by one of these CPA networks so you can gain access to their list of opportunities and get paid by supplying leads for the companies involved.
The key to earning money quickly through this affiliate marketing technique is to drive targeted traffic to these company's websites because these prospects must be interested in the offer if they're going to perform the necessary act so you can get paid. The CPA networks assist in this process by enticing your leads to do what needs to be done by offering them a free gift for performing the action.
Two of the biggest advantages of using CPA marketing as a home business model is you don't have to sell anything in order to get paid and your start-up costs are minimal at most. Of course this means you don't need a product to get started, you don't have to create your own information merchandise in order to succeed as an affiliate and you don't have to deal with customer service issues or the related headaches involved.
So if you're just starting out online and you're looking for a way to make some fast money with only a small investment cost per action affiliate marketing may be your best choice.
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