
Assalamualaikum wr wb ..

I created this new blog, actually is not no mo intention to make the blog. So who ya are so mbuat culprit that I make a blog mo, ya man always called her name Zulkarnain aka Nain Jaka Baring. His alias is for ya people sleep in the morning until noon then disconnected again, wake up again next night he ... he .. (like bats).

The story, if not one before or the early days of fasting she (Nain), go back two Singaparna, Tasikmalaya, gone not use any further ado I do not know if it turns out he went in there. Why do I say a second village? If his hometown is actually in Kilkenny, Kilkenny father as her mother was in fact both are the same sister, brother still in Palembang. Because the annual've student in Cipasung, so smitten he same Tasikmalaya (do not know what Tasikmalaya same as the girls there, he ... he ..).

As I recall he once told mo open mushroom planting effort but more promising there (Tasikmalaya) to weigh in Palembang (Nain lo these words, not mine), he said the market difficult.
So I thought maybe she went there tuh mo start the project, because he had not asked for money sending few in number. I can only pray just hope he's successful.

Eventually he returned again to Kilkenny, the return did not use too small talk (probably go - go through the underground ya man he ... he ....) tau-tau've come home (like a ghost .. weehh. dong).
I'm Seeing Online continues to say he wrote, "Anything else ya how to get mo money". "What's more, the forex? who yesterday wrote did not go up and ride instead ancur added," I said.
Nyegir dah him, "No, find the money pake blog", he said. "How to make it how?" I asked. He said, "No need to bother buying a ready-made wrote blogs, find that demand a lot."
"Really how much to buy a blog?" I asked. I do not want detailed nyebutin price when he bought the blog, which clearly there are millions of his. Keep me just laught.

Day after day passed, morning noon switch, switch noon afternoon accompanied by a little hunger and thirst month of fasting (weehh. .. like poetry), every time she came till Eid speaking mere blog blog blog again and again he ... he .. . I think a true blogger emang mo so ya man he ... he ..
Because blogs are often heard, by chance I'm online a fad I go to Google then I write the boxed search: How to Create a Blog. Found easy way to make a blog on, I follow the way he eventually became this blog.

Because the only fun I'm confused what ya mo filled blog, so ... what's on the computer I wrote that on now. Yes ... the stories trus Islamic multimedia program that could be considered old school.
If there are mo Allhamdulillah ngunjungin this blog, if not mo ya okay. What is clear for Sodara and sodari, fathers, mothers and sisters-just not all that intentionally or accidentally dropped on this blog, please be understandable if not interesting and thank you as much as possible.

Wassalamualaikum wr ... wb


Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

Japan Nuclear Crisis Trigger exodus Foreign Residents

Foto : AP/The Yomiuri Shimbun, Kazuki Wakasugi

TOKYO - Anxiety world against the impact of radiation from the explosion of four units of nuclear reactors (NPP) Fukushima Daiichi getting doubled. Japan is considered in a nuclear emergency. Therefore, some developed countries instructing residents to immediate exodus from the Japanese. Some other countries also re block and test the food and drinks imported from Nippon.       Yesterday (17 / 3) the British government chartered a special plane to evacuate its citizens from Tokyo to Hong Kong to avoid the dangers of nuclear radiation. "British citizen who was in Tokyo and headed north of Tokyo asked to leave the area. The aircraft was provided free of charge," said British foreign officials was quoted as saying the Daily Telegraph.       The Swiss government also urged its citizens to leave the capital and the northeast region of Japan. Earlier, the governments of Australia, South Korea, and France asked its citizens to get out of the country which suffered material losses up to Rp 1,800 trillion in the tsunami and the earthquake was 8.9 on the Richter scale.      The United States also called on residents residing within a radius of 80 kilometers from the Fukushima nuclear power plant to leave the zone. Radius evacuation warnings from the United States is broader than the Japanese issued an evacuation call.      Earlier, Japan urged people residing within a radius of 20 kilometers from the Fukushima nuclear power plant to evacuate. Japan also asked residents within a radius of 32 km from Fukushima to not leave the house. In addition to the evacuation zone, the U.S. decided to directly monitor radiation levels in the City of Sakura's.      They even use the equipment and bringing the experts to stop the nuclear crisis. Ambassador (Ambassador) for Japan's U.S. says John Roos, 34 experts have arrived in the country by bringing land and air monitoring equipment.      The experts will join with seven experts from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, two technicians and experts from health hazards U.S. Department of Energy in Japan since the tsunami hit last week. "We mobilize all abilities because there is the ongoing crisis," Roos said as quoted by the AFP yesterday.      U.S. ambassador denies taking such a step was taken because of lack of confidence in the ability of Japan in preventing nuclear radiation. "The health and safety of U.S. citizens in Japan, our biggest concern," said Roos.      The U.S. military today also flew an unmanned aircraft to help investigate nuclear reactors are damaged. The aircraft was equipped with infrared sensors that can take pictures at Fukushima reactor. Last Wednesday (16 / 3) Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan Yukio Edano indeed confirm that the effect of radiation will not get to another zone that exceeds 30 kilometers away from nuclear reactors (NPP) Fukushima Daiichi. However, some nuclear experts believe the world is different.       Yesterday (17 / 3), the Associated Press reported that the nuclear crisis in Japan is at a serious level. To the point, the Special Representative of Japan to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Yukiya Amano, who visited the reactor into electrical energy generation is on Wednesday (16 / 3). "Currently, we are in a pretty precarious situation," he said as quoted by The Telegraph. Chief UN nuclear watchdog confirmed that the reactor No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has exploded. Meanwhile, units of the four reactors after a fire great. As a result, high levels of radioactive substances into the air flying, even up to hundreds of kilometers away. Radioactive material was also to Tokyo.        According to Kyodo news agency, pascaledakan hydrogen at number two reactor units, radiation levels around the site reached 965.5 mikrosievert per hour. Peak, the radiation reaching up to 8217 mikrosievert per hour. This figure is far above many times the normal limit of radiation that can be tolerated human body. That is why, Prime Minister of Japan Naoto Kan urged residents within a radius of more than 30 km from the site for stay at home and wear a mask. President Barack Obama yesterday again called Naoto Kan. He says ready to do anything necessary to help Japan in post-disaster recovery of the earthquake and tsunami. "In essence, the president asserted would help Japan out of this crisis," read an official statement the White House. Including, helping deploy soldiers who have special skills to handle the nuclear crisis and natural disaster recovery.        Nuclear emergency in Japan also expressed the Head of the U.S. Nuclear Regulation Commission Gregory Jaczko. "I think, the level of radiation is categorized as serious," he said. The same opinion expressed Energy Commissioner European Union (EU), Guenther Oettinger. According to him, the Japanese government was faced with two choices are just as bad. That is, disaster or catastrophe. However, Western experts were admitted coated with Japanese efforts to reduce the impact of radiation. "The Japanese nuclear experts continue to monitor developments in Fukushima. They also continue to explore the information about radiation," said Fred Mettler, a special committee of the UN envoy in charge of analyzing the impact of radiation on health.         According to him, efforts to curb Japanese nuclear experts have maximal public panic. "They monitor, evaluate, and monitor the weather closely around the reactor," said Mettler told USA Today. However, they can not ensure the level of radiation in several different places at once. Therefore, they are completely dependent on the direction and cause radiation itself.        Yes, until yesterday the Japanese continue to focus on cooling the fuel rods of nuclear reactors overheated in Fukushima. Japanese military helicopters have been deployed to pour water into the reactor which had exploded four times that. "Tokyo Police also used water cannon to prevent the recurrence of the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986," according to news on Thursday (17 / 3). Meanwhile, radioactive particles of low concentration allegedly was headed to the east, to North America. It was mentioned by Lars-Erik De Geer, director of research at the Swedish Defense Research Institute, as quoted by Reuters news agency yesterday. De Geer submit it cites data from an international network of monitoring centers.         However, he stressed that the radiation level is not dangerous to humans. Simultaneously, the World Health Organization (WHO) released official guidelines related to the impact of Japan's nuclear radiation. In its release, the WHO confirmed that the man has never separated from the radiation, whether natural radiation and radiation effects of human activity. Every year each person exposed to about 3 milisievert (mSv). Sievert is the unit for the stated dose of radiation. As many as 80 percent of radiation exposure that comes from nature. A total of 19.6 percent came from other medical effects and about 0.4 percent of the remainder due to man-made radiation.        So, what causes humans exposed to radiation "According to WHO, there are two factors that make people exposed to radiation. First, the internal factors, that is inhaled or swallowed radioactive substances. Secondly, external factors, ie, there are radioactive substances that attach to clothing or skin. If an individual is exposed to radiation in a relatively long time, radioactive substances would be detrimental to health. "If the radiation levels above normal, the individual concerned will show the alias of acute radiation syndrome ARS. Symptoms, start a red rash on the skin, hair loss and incurred such as skin burns," said WHO in a statement.         But, added the UN agencies, such symptoms are usually only experienced by workers in the reactor or the rescue team is pretty long in the reactor is leaking. Therefore, the WHO urged the public not to panic. "Follow the instructions given your government and continue to follow developments," said WHO. Related to potassium iodide pills that supposedly could dampen the impact of radiation, the WHO provides other information. According to them, the pill will only be given if the impact of radiation has been considered dangerous. Therefore, the pill can not be taken arbitrarily. "Birth control pills increase levels of saturated thyroid gland in the body so that it can prevent the formation of radioactive iodine. Formation of radioactive iodine because of exposure to nuclear radiation is what can lead to cancer," said WHO.          Birth control pills, advanced organization led by Margaret Chan, right antidote to radiation, especially anticancer. But, it is only one factor that could dampen the adverse effects of radiation in the body. Meanwhile, some countries are now beginning to test various food products from Japan, following fears of radioactive contamination pascaledakan Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor. The Food of Hong Kong, quoted by CNN, has conducted radiation tests on 34 samples of fresh vegetables, meat, and fish imported from Japan. "If we detect it, of course, we would ban the product is sold in Hong Kong," said Hong Kong Secretary for Food and Health, York Chow. Besides Hong Kong, the Chinese government, Thailand, Singapore, and India make similar tests. Those countries are reported to have ordered the food and drug regulatory agencies to test the Japanese food at its port, the first gate of entry of imported food.         Americans and Chinese are also anxious. Though thousands of miles apart, they competed buy potassium iodide and iodine to protect themselves from the negative effects of nuclear radiation on the thyroid gland. The people who did not goto the potassium iodide is rumored to cry. "They were hit by worries that since the experts analyze Fukushima radiation could spread to Uncle Sam's country," wrote the Daily Mail yesterday.         Separately, the official number of dead and missing victims of the earthquake and tsunami that flattened the northeastern coast of Japan has exceeded 13,000 people. These data revealed the Japanese police yesterday. However, it is not a final figure. The reports indicated that the number of victims is still going to grow.         The death toll from the disaster which has confirmed it is 5178 people. Later, the victim lost 8606. So says the Japanese national police in the latest data. Meanwhile, injury to reach 2285 people. However, reports continued to arrive which indicates that the final amount will be much higher. Kyodo News reported, a mayor in the coastal city of Ishinomaki in Miyagi Prefecture, yesterday said the number of victims lost in his place is expected to reach 10,000 people. Last Saturday, a day after the disaster, NHK reported, about 10,000 people dead and missing victims in Minamisanriku. (AFP/AP/Reuters/hep/c2/iro)

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